Common Diseases in the Bernese Mountain Dog
Unfortunately cancer now presents the greatest challenge to breeders in genetic selection and a greater challenge for dog owners.
In Bernese, some forms of cancer are thought to have a genetic basis. Histiocytic Sarcoma has been shown to be inherited. How cancers are inherited is not known, although a polygenic mode of inheritance is suspected. In the 2005 BMDCA Health Study, 67% of all dogs that died succumbed to some form of cancer. Histiocytic Sarcoma or malignant histiocytosis is the most prevalent cancer in the breed. Studies are ongoing to attempt to isolate the genetic basis for the disease in an attempt to breed away from it. For more information see:
UC Davis - Histyocytosis
Histiocytic Diseases
Hemangiosarcoma is a cancer of the blood vessel cells, the tumors are filled with blood, and a rupture can be immediately life threatening. Long term prognosis is not good, but treatments are continually evolving and improving.
Lymphoma or Lymphosarcoma is a cancer that can occur in the lymph nodes, bone marrow, liver and spleen. There are several different types of lymphoma, and some are more responsive to treatment than others. Some breeds seem to be at higher risk for lymphoma, but it can occur in any breed at any age.
Mast Cell Tumors (MCT): As many as 25% of all skin tumors in dogs are MCTs. Half of these tumors are malignant. Most of them appear as raised nodular masses that feel soft to solid. 10 - 15% of them are indistinguishable from fatty cysts which lie under the skin in the subcutis. Half of them are found on the body, 40% are found on the legs, and 10% are found on the head or neck. Although these tumors may be found anywhere, including the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, most of the MCTs are found in the skin. MCTs can occur in a dog of any age, but they are typically found in middle age or older dogs, with a mean age of 8.5 years. They are found in males and females equally; there is no sex predilection. Heredity is thought to play a role.
Please note: BMDs may be affected by other forms of cancer not included in the list above.
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)
Rear end paralysis can occur for a number of reasons (spinal embolism, back injuries / pinched nerves, cervical disc disease, spondylosis, etc.). DM is a progressive disease which causes eventual paralysis in older dogs. It is an inherited disease, but the exact method of inheritance is not yet fully understood. Two different genetic mutations have been identified in Berners.
As of April 2011 and 2016 there is two genetic tests for the more common mutations available from OFA.
Hip Dysplasia (HD)
results from an unstable hip socket and subsequent degenerative arthritic changes that result from this instability. HD typically cannot be detected in pups at placement age. HD can affect young puppies but most often leads to a degenerative, sometimes crippling, arthritis as an affected dog ages. Some HD-affected dogs will experience no lameness. Some dogs with mild HD may be uncomfortable and other dogs with more severe HD may show no pain or gait problems. For some dogs the disease is completely debilitating. HD affects dogs from age 6 months to old age.
Health tests are available to certify that a dog is likely to be free of HD.
Diet and exercise also plays an important role.
Elbow Dysplasia (ED)
ED is a general term that is used to describe several different abnormalities of the elbow joint.
ED is another potentially crippling condition that affects some Berners. A degenerative joint disease like HD (Hip Dysplasia see above), ED causes arthritic changes to occur in the elbow joint. Elbow dysplasia in BMDs is most often a result of fragmented coronoid process, but the un-united anconeal process form of ED and OCD (Osteochondritis Dissecans see below) of the elbow have been seen. Elbow dysplasia can result in lameness and affect puppies as young as 5 months. The only way to confirm and evaluate ED is by x-ray. OFA certifies elbow radiographs and issues a certificate and registry number to dogs free of this disease. Knowing the elbow status of as many family members as possible helps breeders improve their probability of producing puppies with normal elbows.
Diet and exercise can also play an important role.
Unfortunately cancer now presents the greatest challenge to breeders in genetic selection and a greater challenge for dog owners.
In Bernese, some forms of cancer are thought to have a genetic basis. Histiocytic Sarcoma has been shown to be inherited. How cancers are inherited is not known, although a polygenic mode of inheritance is suspected. In the 2005 BMDCA Health Study, 67% of all dogs that died succumbed to some form of cancer. Histiocytic Sarcoma or malignant histiocytosis is the most prevalent cancer in the breed. Studies are ongoing to attempt to isolate the genetic basis for the disease in an attempt to breed away from it. For more information see:
UC Davis - Histyocytosis
Histiocytic Diseases
Hemangiosarcoma is a cancer of the blood vessel cells, the tumors are filled with blood, and a rupture can be immediately life threatening. Long term prognosis is not good, but treatments are continually evolving and improving.
Lymphoma or Lymphosarcoma is a cancer that can occur in the lymph nodes, bone marrow, liver and spleen. There are several different types of lymphoma, and some are more responsive to treatment than others. Some breeds seem to be at higher risk for lymphoma, but it can occur in any breed at any age.
Mast Cell Tumors (MCT): As many as 25% of all skin tumors in dogs are MCTs. Half of these tumors are malignant. Most of them appear as raised nodular masses that feel soft to solid. 10 - 15% of them are indistinguishable from fatty cysts which lie under the skin in the subcutis. Half of them are found on the body, 40% are found on the legs, and 10% are found on the head or neck. Although these tumors may be found anywhere, including the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, most of the MCTs are found in the skin. MCTs can occur in a dog of any age, but they are typically found in middle age or older dogs, with a mean age of 8.5 years. They are found in males and females equally; there is no sex predilection. Heredity is thought to play a role.
Please note: BMDs may be affected by other forms of cancer not included in the list above.
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)
Rear end paralysis can occur for a number of reasons (spinal embolism, back injuries / pinched nerves, cervical disc disease, spondylosis, etc.). DM is a progressive disease which causes eventual paralysis in older dogs. It is an inherited disease, but the exact method of inheritance is not yet fully understood. Two different genetic mutations have been identified in Berners.
As of April 2011 and 2016 there is two genetic tests for the more common mutations available from OFA.
Hip Dysplasia (HD)
results from an unstable hip socket and subsequent degenerative arthritic changes that result from this instability. HD typically cannot be detected in pups at placement age. HD can affect young puppies but most often leads to a degenerative, sometimes crippling, arthritis as an affected dog ages. Some HD-affected dogs will experience no lameness. Some dogs with mild HD may be uncomfortable and other dogs with more severe HD may show no pain or gait problems. For some dogs the disease is completely debilitating. HD affects dogs from age 6 months to old age.
Health tests are available to certify that a dog is likely to be free of HD.
Diet and exercise also plays an important role.
Elbow Dysplasia (ED)
ED is a general term that is used to describe several different abnormalities of the elbow joint.
ED is another potentially crippling condition that affects some Berners. A degenerative joint disease like HD (Hip Dysplasia see above), ED causes arthritic changes to occur in the elbow joint. Elbow dysplasia in BMDs is most often a result of fragmented coronoid process, but the un-united anconeal process form of ED and OCD (Osteochondritis Dissecans see below) of the elbow have been seen. Elbow dysplasia can result in lameness and affect puppies as young as 5 months. The only way to confirm and evaluate ED is by x-ray. OFA certifies elbow radiographs and issues a certificate and registry number to dogs free of this disease. Knowing the elbow status of as many family members as possible helps breeders improve their probability of producing puppies with normal elbows.
Diet and exercise can also play an important role.

Von Willebrand's Disease (vWD)
A bleeding disorder that occurs in many different breeds.
In Bernese, vWD is an autosomal recessive trait. Vet Gen (www.vetgen.com) has a vWD genetic test for Bernese Mountain Dogs. It is recommended that each dog's clotting factor be assessed prior to surgery.
A bleeding disorder that occurs in many different breeds.
In Bernese, vWD is an autosomal recessive trait. Vet Gen (www.vetgen.com) has a vWD genetic test for Bernese Mountain Dogs. It is recommended that each dog's clotting factor be assessed prior to surgery.
Entropion and Ectropion
Entropion and Ectropion(eyelids turned in or out) the eyelids, which should be tight-fitting in BMDs. Either condition can result in damage to the dog's eye.
Entropion can be an inheritable condition where the eyelid rolls inward, causing irritation to the surface of the eye. Ectropion is the reverse where the eyelid rolls out, serving as a "catcher's mitt" for tiny bits of debris that can irritate pink tissues on the inside of the eyelid.
We test our dogs bi-annually for eye problems (CERF)
Cataracts of various types are verified in Bernese through examination by a veterinary ophthalmologist. Depending on the type and location in the eye, cataracts may or may not present problems with vision. Owners are urged to have eyes checked by a canine ophthalmologist throughout the dog's life.
We test our dogs bi-annually for eye problems (CERF)
Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune Disease impacts Berners just like the other purebred breeds. One such illness is Aseptic Meningitis, which can be difficult to diagnose and potentially life-threatening if not treated properly and in a timely manner. Generally dogs 3-12 months are most commonly affected, and one sex is not affected more than the other. The rate of occurrence for various autoimmune disorders is not known.
We try to prevent this by minimal vaccination.
Sub-aortic Stenosis (SAS)
A heart condition where dogs have a partial obstruction to the flow of blood leaving the left side of the heart, which is caused by a fibrous band, most commonly just below the aortic valve. This condition may give no outward warning to impending problems. Rather, a seemingly healthy dog may suddenly drop dead.
SAS is hereditary in some breeds likely including Berners.
We try to prevent this by having all our breeding dogs certified for their heart
Bloat (GDV)
Gastric torsion and/or volvulus (GDV) is potentially life threatening and incredibly swift in onset.
It is a condition that occurs when the stomach fills with gas and then may rotate. Immediate medical treatment, most likely emergency surgery, is mandatory, and minutes, not hours, may save a life. Studies on this condition have revealed so many factors that precede bloating in dogs that no single cause can be named. Further studies are being conducted to better understand this disease and the ways of preventing it. Bloat has a very high morbidity rate. Dogs that bloat once have a higher tendency to do so again.
Raw feeding in our opinion is a great way to prevent bloat more often, however feeding raw is no guarantee bloat will never happen
Panosteitis (Pano)
A disease of the long bones in the legs and is a condition that typically affects growing dogs from 5-8 months and up to 2 years of age. Diagnosis can often be done with x-rays, but mild forms may be difficult to detect. The disease can impair movement, cause intermittent or chronic lameness that may last for weeks or months, cause pain that makes the dog quite uncomfortable, and may "wander" from one leg to another. The condition will generally resolve with rest and subside completely when the affected dog reaches maturity. Pano is not related to trauma. The mode of inheritance needs further study but the condition does seem to run in families.
Diet play a role in the onset of pano.